I have an interview in English.

“HELP! I have a job interview in English and English is not my mother tongue.”

If this scenario sounds familiar then you’ve come to the right place.

  • Do you feel afraid of having an interview in English?
  • Do you feel anxious that you will just block and that no words will come out?
  • Do you feel worried that you won’t be able to show your true worth to your prospective employer?

  • Then, look no further.

    This short booklet will guide you through your preparation, help you learn set phrases and adapt them to the position you are applying for so that you will sail through your interview and hopefully get the job.

    As an English language teacher with over twenty years’ experience, I have coached numerous students and helped them prepare for their job interviews in English.

    I’ve often been told: "Donna, you should write a book."

    So I wrote this guide to share with you the experience and knowledge that I’ve gained from working with them. If after following the steps in this booklet, you’d like to practise your interview with me, please contact me and we can arrange an online call.


With this step by step guide, you'll be ready to talk about:

  • Small talk: the do's and don'ts of casual conversation during job interviews.
  • Your education, training and professional qualifications
  • Your experience and expertise & how it relates to the job you're applying for.
  • Your current position & your valuable achievements.
  • Why you want this job & how to make sure the employer believes you're the right person.
  • Your key strengths and weaknesses & why the company should employ you.
  • Loads of sample questions from real employers so that you can best prepare for the interview.

At each stage I will suggest appropriate phrases and language that you can adapt to fit your unique set of qualifications, experience and strengths so that your English sounds fluent and natural.

Finally, I have included a list of challenging questions that my students have been asked during their interviews, which I’m sure you’ll find helpful.

So click on the purchase button below to receive the booklet instantly for only 4.99€.

P.S.: The booklet comes with a no questions asked money-back guarantee. If for whatever reason, you believe this booklet hasn't helped you prepare for your job interview, just send me an email and receive a 100% refund.